XPO supports a variety of methods for achieving this, but the easiest is to inherit your domain objects from XPObject. When you do this change tracking is enabled by calling a magic setter method in your property setters and using their built-in collection type for association properties:
public class Customer: XPObject
private DateTime date;
public DateTime Date
get { return date; }
SetPropertyValue("Date", ref date, value);
SetPropertyValue("Date", ref date, value);
[Association("CustomerOrders", typeof(Order))]
public XPCollection<Order> Orders
public XPCollection<Order> Orders
get { return GetCollection<Order>("Orders"); }
Note that Association attribute on the collection property is required by XPO and indicates that the property is one end of a two-way association - either one-many or many-many. Associations are always two-way, except one-one associations which are handled differently. So, for completeness, with the example above being a one-many relationship, you will need the following to express the other end:
public class Order: XPObject
private Customer customer;
public Customer Customer
public Customer Customer
get { return customer; }
SetPropertyValue("Customer", ref customer, value);
It makes sense to use a collection type that supports change notification and the calls to SetPropertyValue are a fairly elegant way to notify change. Okay, this is all good, but I like to cut down the syntactic noise as far as possible. This basically means that I want to to use C# automatic properties (and I also don't want get into using design time code generation techniques to help me out). So, where do we go from here? We go to this:
public class Customer: XPObject
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
[Association("CustomerOrders", typeof(Order))]
public XPCollection<Order> Orders
get; private set;
public class Order: XPObject
public Customer Customer
get; private set;
The classes above will give the same functionality - change tracking and collection creation - as the previous examples. Except, there is much less code to read, just automatic properties and an extra attribute on the class declaration. Take a look at part 2 to see how this can be done.
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