1: public class Customer
2: {
3: public int Id { get; set; }
4: public string Name { get; set; }
5: }
7: public class CustomerContext : DbContext, ICustomerContext
8: {
9: public DbSet<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
11: }
I now want to write some tests and I'm going to mock the DbContext using NSubstitute. I first try something like this:
1: [Test]
2: public void can_mock_customer_context()
3: {
4: var context = Substitute.For<CustomerContext>();
5: context.Customers.Returns(
6: new DbSet<Customer>(
7: new[]
8: {
9: new Customer {Name = "Sean"}
10: })
11: );
12: Assert.AreEqual(1, context.Customers.Count());
13: }
The problem is that the DbSet constructor is internal (as of EF4 Code First CTP5). So, let's abstract our DB access to a simple interface and replace DbSet<T> with the IQueryable<T> interface, ending up with the below:
1: public interface ICustomerContext
2: {
3: IQueryable<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
4: }
This interface can be implemented like so:
1: public class CustomerContext : DbContext, ICustomerContext
2: {
3: public DbSet<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
4: IQueryable<Customer> ICustomerContext.Customers { get { return Customers; } }
5: }
Now all we need to do is to use an implementation of IQueryable<T> in our mock. I'm going to use EnumerableQuery<T> which gives me the following test that now passes:
1: [Test]
2: public void can_mock_customer_context()
3: {
4: var context = Substitute.For<ICustomerContext>();
5: context.Customers.Returns(
6: new EnumerableQuery<Customer>(
7: new[]
8: {
9: new Customer {Name = "Sean"}
10: })
11: );
12: Assert.AreEqual(1, context.Customers.Count());
13: }
14: }
I'm new to NSubstitute but it seem to be the lowest friction mocking library out there. Just perfect for use with Entity Framework 4 Code First - certainly the lowest friction ORM there is today!
Note that we could have used the repository pattern to wrap the DbContext instead of a simple interface, the approach is almost identical.
Update: Ro Miller has an alternative approach using fakes that does a better job of surfacing IDbSet