Friday, 31 October 2014

Using IIS URL Rewrite

This article is about creating IIS URL Rewrite Rules using Powershell. The Powershell functions that we use apply generally to reading and writing to .NET configuration file (web.config, app.config, etc.), and so can be applied to tasks like updating connection strings.
The functions used are:

Although these are powerful, being well documented is not their strongest feature! There are also a couple of simple pitfalls with the URL Rewrite Rules, which I’ll point out. Note that for the following to work, you’ll need to have the IIS URL Rewrite extension installed in IIS. You can install this using the Web Platform Installer, or using Chocolatey

Files for this article can be found here

The test website

So we can test our rewrite rules we’ll use a simple website structured as follows:

Each leaf folder has two HTML files, 1.html and 2.html and there’s a page of links at the root:

To help test the rewrite rules, the HTML files indicate where they are in the structure:

Introduction to rewrite rules

The rules can be maintained in the IIS Manager by double clicking URL Rewrite in features view:

There is a rich GUI that lets you maintain the rules and which does validation against your input:

The above rule redirects any URL section matching “1.html” to “2.html”. You’ll see this in the site’s config file:

The rules are stored in the config file. The config file that’s changed depends on whether you apply the rules at the level of the virtual directory, website or the server. If the rules apply at the server level they are stored in the main IIS config file here:
After this rule has been applied, recycle the app pool or reset IIS and then when accessing http://localhost/simple-rewrite/1.html you’ll be taken to http://localhost/simple-rewrite/2.html.

Using Powershell

Firstly, make sure you have the WebAdministration module loaded:
Import-Module WebAdministration
To create the above rule using Powershell, run the following script (see CreateRule1.ps1):
Add-WebConfigurationProperty `-pspath 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\simple-rewrite' `-filter '/system.webserver/rewrite/rules' `-name "." `-value @{name='Rule 1'; patternSyntax='ECMAScript'; stopProcessing='True'}
Set-WebConfigurationProperty `-pspath 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\simple-rewrite' `-filter '/system.webserver/rewrite/rules/rule[@name="Rule 1"]/match' `-name url `-value '1.html'
Set-WebConfigurationProperty `-pspath 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\simple-rewrite' `-filter '/system.webserver/rewrite/rules/rule[@name="Rule 1"]/action' `-name . `-value @{ type="Redirect"; url='2.html'; redirectType="SeeOther" }

The pspath parameter is the website path in the format used by the WebAdministration module. The filter parameter is the XPath to select the element we’re interested in. Here it’s under rules/rule and has a name attribute with the value “Rule 1”.

To remove the rule, run the following script (see RemoveRule1.ps1):
Clear-WebConfiguration `-pspath 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\simple-rewrite' `-filter '/system.webserver/rewrite/rules/rule[@name="Rule 1"]'

Note that Clear-WebConfiguration removes the rule using the name selector and will raise an error if the rule is not found. W If you want to test whether the rule exists, use Clear-WebConfiguration as follows:
$existing = Get-WebConfigurationProperty `-pspath 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\simple-rewrite' `-filter '/system.webserver/rewrite/rules/rule[@name="Rule 1"]' -name *
if ($existing) {
Clear-WebConfiguration `-pspath 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\simple-rewrite' `-filter '/system.webserver/rewrite/rules/rule[@name="Rule 1"]'

Rule processing order and redirect exclusions

The rules are processed in the order they appear in IIS Manager and the config file. A rule can be set to stop processing of subsequent rules. These two combine to make an effective way to create an exception to a redirect. Say you wanted to redirect all “1.html” URLs to “2.html” except for “~b/c/1.html”. To achieve this add in the following rule above the more general redirect:

Your configuration will look something like:

Using rule conditions

Let’s say you want a rule that applies to POSTs to a particular URL but which only contain certain parameters in the query string. Such as a POST to:

Let’s say we want to detect parameter values of X, Y or Z. You can do this using rule conditions. The completed rule looks like this in IIS Manager:

In the configuration, this rule looks like:

And can be scripted as follows:
Add-WebConfigurationProperty `-pspath 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\simple-rewrite' `
-filter '/system.webserver/rewrite/rules' `-name "." `-value @{name='Rule 1 Post Exception'; patternSyntax='ECMAScript'; stopProcessing='True'}
Set-WebConfigurationProperty `-pspath 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\simple-rewrite' `
-filter '/system.webserver/rewrite/rules/rule[@name="Rule 1 Post Exception"]/match' `-name url `-value "b/2.html"
Add-WebConfigurationProperty `-pspath 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\simple-rewrite' `
-filter '/system.webserver/rewrite/rules/rule[@name="Rule 1 Post Exception"]/conditions' `-name "." `-value @{input="{REQUEST_METHOD}"; pattern='POST'}
Add-WebConfigurationProperty `-pspath 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\simple-rewrite' `
-filter '/system.webserver/rewrite/rules/rule[@name="Rule 1 Post Exception"]/conditions' `-name "." `-value @{input="{QUERY_STRING}"; pattern='paramA=(X|Y|Z)'}

Notes and gotchas

Rules are relative to the site root

Once you realize that the redirect URLs are relative to the site root, it’s all very obvious. Gaining that realisation can take some time! So for the example site above, the following rule will do nothing:

IIS Manager has code completion for conditions

When you add a condition in IIS Manager, you get code completion after typing the first “{“ (such as in the POST exception rule above):

Files get locked and browsers cache pages

When you’re developing the rules config file is being touched by TIIS, IIS Manager, Notepad++, Powershell and goodness know what else. Your super-modern browser is being super-modern helpful and caching the HTML pages. Sometimes you just need to recycle the app pool to see the updated rule. Other times, you need to do an IIS reset, clear your browser cache and restart your tool windows.

Default values are not written

When the rule’s action type is None and it stops processing of other rules, the configuration written by the IIS Manager GUI is like this:

Following the same pattern for creating the rule in a script, you can run something like this (see CreateExceptionRule.ps1):
Add-WebConfigurationProperty `-pspath 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\simple-rewrite' `-filter '/system.webserver/rewrite/rules' `-name "." `-value @{name='Rule 1 Exception'; patternSyntax='ECMAScript'; stopProcessing='True'}
Set-WebConfigurationProperty `-pspath 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\simple-rewrite' `-filter '/system.webserver/rewrite/rules/rule[@name="Rule 1 Exception"]/match' `-name url `-value 'b/c/1.html'
Set-WebConfigurationProperty `-pspath 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\simple-rewrite' `-filter '/system.webserver/rewrite/rules/rule[@name="Rule 1 Exception"]/action' `-name . `-value @{ type="None" }

The above script writes the following to the configuration file.

Note that the action element is not written. It seems that the Powershell command knows that <action type=”None”> is the default and doesn’t bother to write it, but the IIS Manager GUI writes it anyway. If you didn’t know that you may spend a lot of time trying to work out why your Powershell isn’t doing what you think it should!

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Simple UI testing with Nightwatch.js

This week I was introduced to Nightwatch.js by my colleague Matt Davey.  Nightwatch provides a clear and simple syntax for writing your UI tests and uses NodeJS and Selenium to run the tests. 

Having played with Canopy for UI testing, the high readability of the test syntax impressed me from the start.  We used it to nail down a reproduction of a bug we were working in our test environment.

Test scenario

Our test did something like this
  • Logs into a site using known credentials.
  • Clicks through to a place in the UI.
  • Changes and saves a value.
  • Asserts that the new value is being displayed in another area of the UI.

The test syntax

The test syntax looks like this:

The syntax is clean, easy to read and all in a one file. One of the CSS selectors is pretty evil, but you can get that from the browser’s context menu in the inspector (which I learnt this week too!):


Setting up the test runner

Setting up to run the test is very simple to do on any development or test machine. You the components are:
  • NodeJS
  • NPM
  • Nightwatch
  • A Selenium Server
You can install Java, NodeJS and Nightwatch using Chocolatey by opening a command window and running:

choco install javaruntime
choco install nodejs.install

npm install -g NightWatch

Note that Chocolatey seems to install the Node packages under Chocolatey's folders, and NPM then places the Nightwatch module into the nodejs.commandline folder under \tools.  In there is a batch called Nightwatch.cmd in there that we need to access. So, we need to add the following to our path:

C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\ nodejs.commandline.X.Y.Z\tools

(where X.Y.Z is the NodeJS version we’ve installed.)

Then we need to start up a Selenium server.  It would be nice to use Chocolatey here too, but the version of Selenium from the package at time of writing is too old.  So, download the latest Selenium driver (JAR) from here (which is 2.43 at time of writing).

Rename the Selenium JAR file to selenium-server-standalone.jar and save it to C:\selenium\. Then start up a Selenium Server for opening a new command window (as admin) and typing:

java -jar "C:\selenium\selenium-server-standalone.jar"

That’s the setup done, now let’s run the test.

Running the test

Save your test (similar to the code above) to a file, let’s say repro.js, into a folder.  Create a sub-folder called “examples\custom-commands” (which Nightwatch wants to find, not sure why!).
Then open another command window and change to the folder containing the test file and run the following:

nightwatch --test repro.js

Job done!

Monday, 11 August 2014

Testing TypeScript with Jasmine in Visual Studio

This post is about setting up testing for TypeScript with Jasmine in Visual Studio, but it should be pretty much the same using QUnit

To set this up, start a new MVC project and let’s get Knockout and Jasmine installed into the project, along with their TypeScript definitions:

Install-Package knockoutjs
Install-Package knockout.typescript.DefinitelyTyped
Install-Package JasmineTest
Install-Package jasmine.typescript.DefinitelyTyped

We’re using the Jasmine Nuget package called JasmineTest.  There is a similar one on Nuget called Jasmine-JS, the difference being that JasmineTest will add a controller and view to let you run your tests.  We’ll be using that in a second to let us debug the tests.  Now run and browse to ~/jasmine/run and you’ll see this:


This is the view added by the JasmineTest package.  It is an HTML page (SpecRunner.cshtml)  and has the references for the example Jasmine specs that ship with Jasmine.  We are going to be using to let us debug out tests.


So, let’s write some tests.  For simplicity we’re going to put the model and the tests into the same file.  So we add a TypeScript file called Tests.ts to your /Scripts folder and add the following lines to that file, giving this:


Running tests with ReSharper

If you have ReSharper installed, then the R# Test Runner will recognise the Jasmine test and allow you to run them.  To set this up for a smooth experience, first install PhantomJS and set the path to phantomjs.exe in Resharper | Options | Tools | Unit Testing | JavaScript Tests.

R# will need to find the .JS files for the .TS references.  R# will look for and use a file that is named the same as the Definitely Typed TS file, but ending with .JS.  For us, this means copying knockout-3.1.0.js from /Scripts to /Scripts/typings/knockout and renaming it to knockout.d.js:


After that you can just run the tests as you would in C#:


Running tests with Chutzpah

You can also use the Chutzpah test runner to run Jasmine tests in Visual Studio.  You can install that from Tools | Extensions and Updates here:


Once installed, you just right click the TypeScript file that contains the tests and select the item Run JS Tests.  This puts the test results into the Visual Studio Output window by default, but there is a Visual Studio extension that gives integration with the Visual Studio Test Explorer.

If you go ahead and run the tests as shown above you’ll get an error.  This is because Chutzpah resolves referenced JS files differently to R#.  For this to run, we need to add a reference to the JS file in the TS test for Chutzpah to pick up.  This is documented here and looks like this:

/// <chutzpah_reference path="knockout-3.1.0.js" />

Debugging tests in Visual Studio

As far as I can tell, there is currently no support from either R# or Chutzpah for debugging TS tests from either test runner in the IDE.  However, we can do that by going back to our SpecRunner.cshtml that was installed with the JasmineTest Nuget package.

Just add the JS references along with a reference to our test file to the HTML shipped with the package:


Note that we are referencing Tests.js instead of the TS file.  Then place a break point in the test in the TS file, run a browse to ~/Jasmine/Run:


Job done!  Source code is here: