Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Implementing ECO on VistaDB: part 2

To continue my earlier post, I now have got ECO to write and read from a VistaDB database. I had a few tweaks to make to the source I posted earlier against the ECO newsgroup. But, it's looking very good so far.

The source code can be got from the newsgroup.


The generated table seen from VistaDB:

A data grid bound to the ECO datasource:


Jason Short - VistaDB said...

Looks very nice. Seems like you are working along well through VistaDB. Glad to hear it.

Sean Kearon said...

Thanks! VistaDB is a pleasure to work with and I'm looking forward to putting it through some real world testing very soon.

darichkid said...


Here is an ORM that works with VistaDB