Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Implementing ECO on VistaDB

I was doing an evaluation of ECO over the weekend and I needed to see if I could wire it up with an embeddable database.

Sure, they already had support for SQLLite, Firebird and others. I wanted to be able to connect to VistaDB. Whilst this was not supported out of the box, a couple of hours tweaking, getting support from their newsgroup and reading the manual (after being reminded!), I have got as far as generating a schema on VistaDB from ECO.

This is a real compliment to a framework as advanced as ECO that a new user can do this after a few hours of work. Sure, I am familiar with the concepts of ORMs in general and have a few weeks worth of experience of ECO from 5 years ago. But, hey - I'm no rocket scientist and this is the first time I've worked with VistaDB - a compliment too for the good work in VistaDB, there were no surprises, it all just worked!

Still there's much more to do, this very much a work-in-progress. Will keep you posted!

Update: you can get the work-in-progress source here, if you're interested.

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